B-Axis Contour Turning is a finishing toolpath that allows for rotation of the B-axis while the tool is cutting. The Unified toolpath allows for more flexibility in cut pattern when programming in Multiaxis, the developer reported.Īlso, Mastercam 2023 introduced a new toolpath to the Turning suite for the Mill-Turn product. For example, to create a toolpath that morphs between two surfaces, select Unified from the Multiaxis toolpaths, and then set the Cut Pattern to two surfaces with the Morph style.

The unified toolpath allows access to these cut patterns when the programmer adds the appropriate curves. The new Unified Multiaxis toolpath brings together Morph, Parallel, Along Curve, and Project Curve strategies into a single interface, delivering expanded and highly flexible cutter path creation. Many of the improvements in Mastercam 2023 are directly driven by Mastercam users and shops, according to the developers, who draw feedback from public beta releases, shop visits, customer surveys, and consultation with expert industry partners. CNC SOFTWARE LLC, developer of Mastercam CAD/CAM software, released Mastercam 2023, following a public beta program, during which manufacturers around the world were allowed to “test drive” the new program and then provide feedback that helped to shape the final 2023 product.